“Jumpin’ Joy of Jesus” – Free download!

A special gift to all of you Moms and Dads out there who suddenly find the house packed with “Little Wigglers”!  Livingrock Family Outreach hopes this will bless your home with laughter, joy, and dance during these trying times. 

We hope your whole family will set the volume high and have a merry moment together finding creative ways to jump around your home.  Giggles welcome. 

Send us videos of your cool dance moves!  You too, Dads!!!  Let’s JUMP!!!


“Jumpin’ Joy” is an original kids song by Christian recording artist Wendy James, featured in the musical adventure “Song of the King.”

Beauty and Rest

Hope this brings you a smile to think that Spring has sprung. Praise the Lord for this cheery season of fresh starts. May we behold His Beauty and find Rest in Him today. Much love 😍🎈🌼



What can I do?

What can I do?

 This question is on my mind day and night.  Most of us want to take action but are feeling stranded at home, adrift.

Christian Army of the Lord;  These are three positive things you can do to help:

  • Believe that God has a miracle in store for the whole world in changing the course of this virus and economic situation if we HUMBLE OURSELVES AND PRAY.  (II Chronicles 7:140
  • Do something every day to help, no matter how seemingly small or insignificant. (Ephesians 2:10). For example: sign up to give blood – local drives are going on now; search your cupboards for new masks and gloves and find on-line donation sites such as maskmatch.com; check on your family and cheer them up with a card, text, phone call or especially FaceTime; send a check to a reputable organization – even a dollar makes a difference; check with your local church, on-line, to see if there is some little way you can be of assistance; see a problem – start a problem-solving website; gain control of one corner of your house so that you are a more effective servant of the Lord.  Most importantly, PRAY.  EVERYONE CAN PRAY for a miraculous change in the trajectory of the course of this disease.  By doing SOMETHING, you will feel a little more in control of your environment and in doing SOMETHING, you will see God at work in so many ways.
  • Be thankful (Psalm 107:8-9), praise, worship, think of your many blessings – put on happy songs and dance around, lift some soup cans or weights, go on a socially distanced walk and wave to another walker – get some movement in your life – have faith that GOD IS MOVING IN THE WORLD AND IN THIS CRISIS, even as you are.

You are part of the larger, Great and Mighty Army of the Lord.  We do not have to concede defeat – rather, let’s get up and do something by getting on our knees and praying for the miracle of the humbled and the humble.

Father, in Jesus Name, we come to you and thank you for each and every blessing in our lives.  We pray that you will show each of us how WE CAN TAKE ACTION and how WE SHOULD REST in YOUR PEACE today. We humble ourselves before you, confessing our sins before you.   We, the Christian Army of the Lord, ask You, as a nation and world at war with this silent enemy that is attacking on two fronts, health and economic, to send us a miraculous intervention and to stop this deadly pestilence.  Raise us up as an army of worshipers, peacemakers, action-takers and miracle-believers.  Give us Faith which is the Victory.  Thank you for hearing and answering our prayers, Lord.  Amen. 


Faith is the Victory – Click here to listen
©2020 Arrangement Wendy James / Kingdomrock Music. Lyrics by John Henry Yates, circa 1850.


“Encamped along the hills of light,
Ye Christian soldiers rise,
And press the battle ere the night
Shall veil the glowing skies;
Against the foe in vales below
Let all our strength be hurled;
Faith is the victory, we know,
That overcomes the world.

Faith is the victory!
Faith is the victory!
O glorious victory,
That overcomes the world.
His banner over us is love,
Our sword the Word of God;
We tread the road the saints before
With shouts of triumph trod.
By faith, they like a whirlwind’s breath,
Swept on o’er every field;
The faith by which they conquered death
Is still our shining shield.
On every hand the foe we find
Drawn up in dread array;
Let tents of ease be left behind,
And onward to the fray.
Salvation’s helmet on each head,
With truth all girt about,
The earth shall tremble ’neath our tread,
And echo with our shout.
To him that overcomes the foe,
White raiment shall be giv’n;
Before the angels he shall know
His name confessed in heav’n;
Then onward from the hills of light,
Our hearts with love aflame,
We’ll vanquish all the hosts of night,
In Jesus’ conqu’ring name.”

(Accompanying this post is a rough take of Wendy singing Faith is the Victory. She writes:  “This is a fresh take on a hymn text that was written a very long time ago. I was inspired to play with the melody and chordal structure to make it feel more modern to our ears- the original lyric is so perfect for today.” Her hope is that this music will raise your spirits and that you might be able to feel like there is something positive that you can do to help the world today.)


Politically speaking, I am a staunch Republican.  I, yes, greatly enjoy Fox News and a good political debate.  (Meaning I, personally, love debate).  So far, I must say this season has been filled with interesting debate on the main stage.  Now if they would just get to the issues!

Actually, I am O.K. that we have been in a quagmire of character assessment.  Honestly,  if you haven’t been paying attention because you feel the Presidential election is still so far off, I hope you begin to tune in to what’s going on.  It’s in this time period that the depth of a person’s beliefs and character begin to show in earnest because many they haven’t yet mastered the game.  Hopefully, a man or woman of integrity, honesty and truth will emerge as the nominee.

In this season I wish to offer a prayer for each of us who will vote for our next President.  It is a prayer for discernment.  I, of all people, would LOVE to see our country prosper again.  We have a number of small businesses and would love to have someone who understands business (or someone who would surround him or herself with honest, truthful advisers who “get” business).  However, much more is at stake here than business and financial prosperity, as we all know.  So much more.

So I asked myself, how did God choose a king?   We don’t call our leaders “kings”, although a recent one has acted a bit like one in my opinion, however, there are fine Biblical examples given of the types of attributes and HEART that the Lord looks for in His leaders.  He’s given us multiple examples of good kings and bad kings plus a look into many other great, effective and admirable leaders lives (be sure to look closely because no one in the Bible seems to be perfect). So here is my prayer for us as we select a Republican nominee:

“Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus, please grant us wisdom, truth, knowledge and discernment as we prayerfully consider your will for our next Republican nominee for President of our beloved country, America.  We pray that we would study examples that you have given us in Your Word so that we could learn from history and  have the mind of Christ as we choose our leader.  We thank you for guiding us away from wrong motives and into the best overall choice for such a time as this.  You have prepared our next leader for this task and we ask for great blessing on whomever will be taking over the most difficult job on the planet.  Forgive us of our sins as a country and help us to set things right.  Help us to lead the world out of these dark times.  Thank you for giving us a strong and competent leader to be chosen in our next election cycle and please work miracles in our world.  Unite our country again, Lord!  Thank you for all of our sacrificial leaders whom you have given charge over this country and bless them with wisdom and discernment to do your will and to lead strong!
Thank you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  Amen.

May God grant each of us BRILLIANT CLARITY and everybody go vote when the time comes.  Let’s get over this silence!  It’s time to engage!

Worship in the Church

A wonderful worship/ musical movement has swept through the churches, world-wide, in the past generation.    The Praise and Worship movement has redefined how we facilitate worship in most evangelical denominations.   Whether you love it or long for the old school ways, this music continues to impact the lives of countless people with its pathway to concentrate our minds and spirits on the Lord in an overall more simplistic approach to lyrics, melodies and harmonies.  This genre allows for great “choirs” of participants to sing together as one voice and to worship God in Spirit and in Truth.  It makes room for an intimate time of listening in our hearts as we sing, to hear the various messages of the Holy Spirit that are being imparted to each individual and to each corporate body of believers and to the unbeliever who is being wooed by that same Spirit to belief in Jesus Christ. These songs and remixed hymn arrangements guide us in prayers for family, friends and others.    This genre has the substance of connection with God and has great value in the church.

So MUCH is going on in worship beyond the lyric and the song.  Through worship we go to war and find peace. Through worship we release bondages and find our liberty in Christ.  Through worship we find our true motive of love and find renewed strength to get the job done.  We listen in our hearts to find it.

I love the worship movement AND am also a firm believer in embracing all types of Christian music that is brought to the feast.  Why limit ourselves to one genre when the Lord has prepared such a wide variety of styles at this banqueting table?  Has He not used fresh style to speak to every generation?

Shouldn’t the music of the church lead the world instead of the other way around?

I am thrilled to be joining up with a seasoned band of worshippers at Jersey Baptist who also have embraced a variety of musical styles as we, together, lead worship in both Traditional and Contemporary settings.  (Also Modern worship and Southern Gospel as well as children’s. Etc)

I am having such a BLAST singing with these dedicated folks in the choirs and enjoy the wide variety of styles we present including traditional octavos, hymns, gospel, Southern Gospel, Praise and Worship, and many other genre.

These musicians have quickly welcomed me and befriended me and I am thankful.  Also, I am so grateful to those who have over the years organized such a wide ranging system to facilitate the musical/worship needs of this place.

Music should unite us, not divide us.

If you don’t have a church home or are a musician without a place to minister in your giftings,  I invite you to try Jersey.  It’s really FUN (good musical hard work too!) and above all, ministry is really happening here!  You can feel it. You can sense it.  And you can see it. May all the glory go to the Lord!

Psalm 104:33-34

Psalm 104:33-34

I will sing to the Lord all my life;
I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.
May my meditation be pleasing to Him, as I rejoice in the Lord!

Praise the Lord, O my soul.
Praise the Lord!

I’ve recently joined forces with the Jersey Baptist musicians.  I am beyond blessed to be singing before the Lord beside fellow “Levites”.  (A reference to the Old Testament musicians who were set apart to make music before the Lord and to worship Him wholeheartedly as their work).

As E.T. So aptly put it…”Home”.

“These are a few of my favorite things”

“These are a few of my favorite things”….Well people that is😜.

My husband David and I are doubling with our dear friends Keith and Amy Pausch.   Keith and I meet weekly to use that south paw of his and brilliant brain to overcome the effects of a recent stroke.
He’s getting some worship songs around on the keyboard and vocally to take with Amy and I to children’s worship, nursing homes and other venues one day soon.  I’m so proud of his efforts to relearn musical skills for which he’s so naturally gifted.
The handsome mug in the photo beside Keith and Amy, is my darling husband of 30 years, David James.

“Fire and Ice”

Inspired by the extremes of nature including lava, red hot coals, frozen crystals and opaque white ice, this stained glass piece of art brings energy and movement to a simple or modern space. The rare black repurposed window frame comes complete with original hanging hardware.  Just for fun, hang this in a window during October to create an edgy seasonal display!  Visit our online store at WendyJames.com for this and other unique works.

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